Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Clymont Winter Camp - January '10

The Winter Camp this past weekend was a wonderful success.

The Adventurer/Challengers (wardens 12yrs and up) had their own programming on Friday night and Saturday morning. They stayed out in the outfitter tent overnight. They were a bit chilly, apparently, but they survived! They learned map and compass techniques and are on their way to being proficient. Martin Schiebel came up with an exciting indoor course to help them with this venture and the kids had fun navigating it.

The Pathfinder/Trailblazers joined the camp Saturday morning.

They learned about some essential items to include in their backpacks for emergency situations.

During this activity they made cotton ball fire starters and tin can emergency kits.

Thanks Rondalene and Martin for the presentation!

After lunch we went outside to learn fire starting. The Pathfinders learned how to strike a match, the Trailblazers learned how to start a fire with a twig bundle, and the A/C’s were instructed how to use flint and steel. It was a productive activity.

The plan was to then use their tin cans to boil water and make hot chocolate but it was pretty cold outside so the kids moved indoors. Luckily Kirt (as usual) had an activity up his sleeve. He demonstrated (literally) the building blocks of ecosystems. The kids had fun and learned an important lesson.

Afterwards, Kirt pulled the A/C’s aside for Leadership discussion and knot tying skills.

And the P/T's got to try thier hand at the map/compass course.

After supper, we learned about the Bronze Badge which brought us to learning about the Purpose, Code, Pledge, Watchword, and Motto. Then we enjoyed a skit put on by the Schiebels about the history of the JFW.

While the A/C's braved the cold outisde, the rest of stayed indoors!

Thanks to everyone who worked behind the scenes in kitchen.  And thanks, Chandra, for getting the groceries so that we could eat.  It's much appreciated.

See y'all at the next camp!!

Pig Roast '09

The Pig Roast is our major fundraiser.  It's a good opportunity for everyone to pitch in and we had a fun time doing it.