Sunday, October 11, 2009

Awareness Showcase Day

In August we held a multi club Awareness Day at Clymont Hall to show off some of the things that the JFW does as an organization. It was a great opportunity for folks to come out and talk to the various clubs and ask questions. Each group also brought activities for us all to enjoy.

Bowl burning.
You put a hot coal on a stump and with a reed blow and blow and (sigh) blow some more until the coal has burnt a "bowl" into the stump..
Making rope.

Hinton Photos

Take a look at a slideshow of some greatest hits of our camps at Cache Percotte, Hinton.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Club Schedule for 2009 - 2010

The format for the schedule below will be as follows:
Start and end time
Meeting Place
What the event is
Extra Equipment (not including regular items you are required to bring)
Contact person

Please, refer to your list of contacts for phone numbers/email addresses of the contact people for each event.

Sep 12
1-3 pm
Clymont Community Hall

Sep 26
9:30- 11:30
Clymont Community Hall
Nature Journaling
Bridge, D, Forchuk K.

Oct 2, 3*
Clymont Hall
Pig Roast Fund Raiser
Oct 2
7-9 pm
Setup and serving
Oct 3
5 pm - 1am

Oct 17
9:30 - 11:30
Clymont Hall
Clothing knowledge. Hinton Camp Preparation.
Please bring backpacks and ropes.
Ivanchikov, Bridge

Nov 11 - 15
Day 11th to noon on the 15th
Cache Percotte
- Various outdoor and indoor activities will be planned. May include: snowshoeing,hunting, fires, Map/GPS skills, clothing ‘check’,games, swimming.
Bring anything you might need on a camping trip (i.e. Sleeping gear, Eating gear, and appropriate clothing)
Bring nature journals


Nov 28th and 29th
Christmas Craft Sale Fund Raiser
Clymont Hall
Bring at least 3 dozen baked goodies

January 1 - 3
Evening of Dec 29th to noon on the 3rd.
Cache Percotte
Christmas Campout
Camping Gear

February 15 - Family Day
Place TBA
Ice Fishing

Feb 26-28
Camp Encounter
Regional Campout - PT Cruiser
Yellowhead Region

March 13th
Spruce Grove Gun Club
Winter Carnival - planning and hosting
Committee - Forchuk, Johnston, LaBoucane, Matthews, Bridge

1/2 Day - Full Day
Spruce Grove Gun Club
Shooting Event

May Long Weekend
Camp Encounter

Ideas for Events

Devonian Gardens
Native Plants Spring

Warden Organized events - Leadership Wardens

Standard and Wilderness First Aid - for 12 years and older